For three years, my physical therapist has stayed by my side to help me with all he possibly could. I see him every week, and during these visits, he cups me, stretches me, massages me, cracks my joints, and gives me things to focus on for the week. I would never have been so successful in my journey if it was not for my physical therapist Jimmy Pajuhsfar. I believe that everyone with this unfortunate disease should have some level of physical therapy to try and keep your body as healthy as possible. They can give you stretches to help loosen your body, safe exercises (with enough knowledge about the subject). They can set up appointments to get orthotics (which help you walk dramatically), and for me, you can also function as a friend.

I am so thankful for my physical therapy because I have never felt better in my life, and the therapy sessions have influenced me. Especially after a stressful school week, he loosens up my body before the weekend. On the weekend, I stretch and intensify the positive impacts he has made in my body and continue this process each week. Personally, my therapist is one of my primary motivators, and I do not think I could have done it without him, which I am happy to be able to say. He also attended one of the muscular dystrophy conferences displaying how determined he was to learn about this muscular condition. Some of his positive traits rubbed off on me, attributing to the wait I am day.

When I first saw my physical therapist, I had no idea what to expect or how beneficial the sessions would be. In a few months, he spent hours researching the top and developing an exercise program that could work for me. At the time, I did not know much about working out, and he provided foundations for me to create future exercise programs that I used now. Anyway, I admire his determination to learn as much as he possibly could and help me grow so much over the last three years: physically, mentally, and as a better person in general.

He began stretching me and doing manual work and having me work with his trainer that he fed all the details to. He eventually spent two-hour sessions every day after a Friday, proving me with new and fun workouts while also releasing my body after it. At one point, we were doing pilates because we wanted to see if this would help, but I stopped doing that because we tried to prevent any form of eccentric exercises. I do lift weights with him, but he does the eccentric movement for me and has gradually built muscle within my body. He develops games out of the exercises we do that burn my competitive side and is extremely fun to do weekly. He sends me information about recovering the body and concentric exercises that have helped me throughout the years. Most importantly, I am very happy seeing him weekly and can rely on him to ask questions about the body in general.

As I said before, I would recommend finding a physical therapist that is as determined as mine. They will help you find ways to adapt to your body and keep it as healthy as possible for the most extended time. The only issue that I had with myself is that some insurance companies do not cover having therapy sessions each week, so that is something you would have to look out for. They can mark your progress and determine if you should purchase any device that can help your body. These include orthotics, different types of rollers, various rubber bands, and stretching braces for your legs.

The therapist can give exercises or stretches to help your body and be available to ask any questions that you may have. I will again emphasize that I do not know where I would be without my therapist and thank him for making such an impact on my life. He was there in a time of uncertainty for me and has helped me push through all of the struggles.