I have referenced that exposure to blue light negatively impacts your sleep, and this blog focuses on that very idea. Several studies have shown that blue light (coming for human-made technological devices) negatively impacts sleep. When I am not exposed to light when I read, for instance, or use light blocking glasses, these adverse effects significantly reduce. I encourage people to either turn off their electronic devices a few hours before bed or use these glasses to prevent blue light from impeding on your sleep schedule.

Sleepfoundation discusses the effect of blue light on kids in their article called “how blue light affects kids to sleep.” They explain why blue light is terrible for you at night because it delays melatonin release, increases alertness, and resets the body’s internal clock. As we know, melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in our body that enables people to fall asleep and have a sufficient REM phase during sleep. Since blue light influences melatonin production, it is vital to prevent the effect of blue light on our bodies. If you reduce the impacts of blue light, your muscles will have better recovery, feel refreshed, and learn more, and you will not have as much tightness throughout your body.

The article reveals that blue light has the shortest wavelength, which means it has the most amount of energy in all the colors of the visible light spectrum. While other types of light do impact melatonin production, blue light is the most significant as it can cause the most damage. “The pineal gland in the brain begins to release melatonin a couple of hours before bedtime, and melatonin reaches its peak in the middle of the night.” Exposure to blue light prevents your brain from functioning, leading to several problems in the future. They describe it as being similar to “jetlag,” which is a sleep disorder that you contract from shifting time zones. Whenever I am jetlagged, I have trouble sleeping, feel tired when I wake up displaying that I do not have sufficient REM sleep, and find it harder to continue to stretch and work out. While you may not feel the impacts from blue light, they continue to fortify on each other, directing to tightness, inflammation, and sleep deprivation that you could easily avoid.

Blue light blocking glasses work to reduce the impact of blue light. The lenses block the visible light spectrum, which means that you can continue to explore yourself to technological devices, but you can do it safely. While I do not use this every day when I do use them, I feel dramatic improvement within my sleep. The only problem with the device is that it does not suit my personal preference as I like to see the light coming from my phone or computer. If you are having trouble with sleep and have high exposure to blue light, then this is an effective method to help you, which is why I wanted to speak about it. Although you may find it comfortable, console yourself with the knowledge that your life will evolve with more prolific sleep.

My Dad has been using these glasses for a few years now since he tends to stay up late working or watching TV after a stressful. As someone who does not have muscular dystrophy, he has a different opinion on the topic. He has personally witnessed the influence of wearing glasses every day and clarifies that it does help him sleep. Anyone should you use these blocking glasses because it makes your sleep more productive and results in your life-enhancing itself. I encourage you to try this device out and see if it works for you.

I have the UVEX computer blocking SCT Orange glasses and, after trying several other glasses, believe that this the best one. It is also my Dad’s favorite, and we can assure you that it does work very well.