Today I thought I would speak about the company I am currently interning at, Fingerprint for Success, as they have a fascinating motivation assessment system and an AI coach program. The motivational work assessment speaks to 48 different motivations highlighting what naturally energises you and where you are focused on in a work context. Quoting from their website, “F4S features a simple and intuitive user interface with a vast range of tools for well-being, happiness, performance, diversity and inclusion, plus a huge library of AI and human coaching programs, anyone can set goals and achieve amazing things at work and in life.” This blog post will speak about how the system works, the company’s missions and values, and the enormous potential of this product.

How does the motivational assessment system work?

The first thing you need to do is to take a survey that takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. The free assessment has a reliability of 98% to identify work motivations, meaning it is incredibly likely to be valid and grant further awareness and insights. After taking the assessment, you can start one of the AI coaching programs that utilise your motivations to recommend the best programs. You can schedule a free coaching session to explain and understand the results. Following this, you have the opportunity to partake in one of the 3 module training sessions that enable an in-depth analysis of all the motivations. The costs range from $950 AUD for each of the three modules, a double module bundle for $1550 AUD and a triple module bundle for $2250 AUD. The free coaching session will help grant a mild understanding of all the motivations. Information and videos for each motivation are accessible on the website, so the training is not necessary but is valuable in my opinion if you are fascinated by this subject.

Some motivations include whether you prefer to problem solve or achieve goals, how you prefer to lead, what rules most empower you, what work environment you can be most productive in, what interests you in the workplace, and what facilitates your decision-making. If you are interested in looking more at the motivations, taking the assessment (and going through your results) and/or looking through this brief outline of the traits with this link. 

Some other things offered include: a benchmarking tool to determine how aligned you are with founders in the starting-up phase (entrepreneurs) or the scaling-up phase of a company (business builders). You can also compare your results with others, team members, and everyone in an organisation. The product is continuing to develop, and I am excited about future changes to the platform.

What is Fingerprint for Success’ mission? 

The driving force behind the creation of Fingerprint for Success was a desire of the founder to understand the motivations that distinguish artists, those setting the grounds for the future, people changing the world, and world-class business leaders. The company is currently working on expanding the platform to identify motivations distinguishing coaches, those with neurodiversity, and cultures worldwide. The motivations have had vast applications and successes in determining who aligns with certain roles, how successful a company will be, whether conflicts will arise in team dynamics, and how to best address your blindspots and where you feel most motivated. Additionally, the company wishes to democratise access to coaching services through their AI coaching software which has shown to have a 90% success in helping people achieve their goals in 4-9 weeks.

The five values of the organisation are as follows: (1) Celebrate each person’s uniqueness. (2) Make amazing things happen. This includes setting and achieving ambitious goals, following through with promises, create things that people did not think were possible, and doing what they say they will do. (3) Spreading delight. This involves helping people have fun, learn, and confidently step into new things. It also includes trying to delight their users, their team members and those they work with and being kind to everyone. (4) Do Good. This involves being good humans by spreading success globally, giving coaching services to all people and regions, and making an impact. (5) Be curious. This involves developing a learning mindset and trying to strive for, understand and learn as much as possible. To be honest, these values really speak to me and everything I stand for, which makes me feel empowered to be a part of their community. 

In my opinion, what is the potential of this product?

I will start this section by explaining how it helps at an individual, team, organisational, community, and world level and then diving into some ideas I have had for its applications. As you read this section, I implore you to think about how this platform can change your life, the friends and families surrounding you, organisations, and the world. There is so much to discuss about this topic, so I can not imagine including this all. However, I hope my excitement and some ideas I have expressed below serve as a thought experiment that helps to visualise the enormous possibilities of this product.

On an individual level, this helps people tap into their talents, become more aware of how to motivate themselves, and address potential blindspots brought about by differences in motivations. On a team level, it enables people to hire people with unique motivations to have more diversity in teams, learn how to work better with others to enhance productivity and impact, and learn how to leverage the strengths of others. At an organisational level, it enables people to identify how people will align with their roles, see the dynamics between various teams, understand how founders and team members align to missions and the culture of an organisation, increase investments, reduce turnovers, and bring about greater well-being. At a community level, it helps people connect with those that strive for human development, helps people develop more awareness to become more satisfied with their work and design their jobs to bring about enormous empowerment, and helps develop their leadership, communication, presenting, decision making, etc. At a world level, it helps people develop an understanding of people around the world, learn how to interact more effectively with others, and empower so many organisations, teams, and people to make positive impacts for the world around us.

I believe that companies are the driving force behind significant, meaningful, and innovative changes. Some of these changes may not have necessarily been positive throughout history, but they have shaped the world we live in today. This platform enables companies to work better with others, increase the well-being of all their team members, and help people make these changes. Integrating this assessment into Linkedin, job hiring, and interviews will help facilitate the hiring process and help people join the roles that will most empower them. Companies like Canva, Investible, Techsauce and many more throughout the world have accomplished so many amazing things with the help of this product. I wonder what significant developments will continue as the assessment platform spreads worldwide and becomes integrated into various organisations, non-profits, community initiatives, etc.

Final Words about Fingerprint for Success

After being an intern for four months, I can say that the company and its team embody the new phase of human empowerment. They are trying to make a positive difference in the world, putting their hearts and souls into developing the product and doing so much more than I can begin to describe. During my time here, I have helped write culture maps for countries and organisations, invested in the growth of the AI coaching tool, and participated in various workshops and community outreach initiatives that have helped me grow enormously in such a short time. I firmly believe that motivational assessment can drive well-being, success, awareness, productivity, satisfaction, and overall happiness in the lives of so many others. Hopefully, my excitement has convinced you, but if not, I strongly encourage you to explore the blogs, AI coaching program, motivational assessment tools, free workshops, and so much more that this company offers.